2020 GSK IMPACT Awards: Trevi House
Alcohol or drug problems are significantly more common in women who have suffered trauma in their lives, including domestic abuse, sexual violence and childhood trauma. Trevi House takes a non-judgemental approach to helping women with drug or alcohol problems and is the only residential rehabilitation unit in the UK, which allows women to remain with their child whilst in treatment.
Hear from the judges
'Trevi House is truly unique, working with highly stigmatised and traumatised women in a way that supports their dignity. Its approach is incredibly innovative, human and compassionate while delivering highly effective results - improving lives while saving public money in the longer term. By allowing women with difficult backgrounds of substance abuse to live with their children throughout the recovery process, Trevi House improves outcomes for both mothers and children.'
GSK IMPACT Awards judging panel
GSK IMPACT Award winners and their videos
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