The NHS needs to transform the way it works with people and communities by focussing on listening, building trust and sharing power, and moving away from 'power over' to 'power with' communities. This, along with further areas for action identified in The King's Fund long read on tackling health inequalities, are key if the government wants to reduce health inequalities as part of its forthcoming 10-year health plan.
Over the past 20 years, there has been a growing emphasis within health and care on ensuring that the voices of people who draw on care and support are heard. Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) have a legal duty to involve patients and the public in their services and for some, improving ways of working with their local populations is a key priority. However, there is significant variation across the country and in many places, people and communities are still largely seen as recipients of health services rather than active partners. As the government launches a national listening exercise, they have the opportunity to lead by example and show how listening and acting can drive the change that is needed.
Please note that bursary tickets are available for this event for people with lived experience, as well as discounts for students and those attending from charities and community groups. Find out more.
Event topics
In this conference we will explore how health and care leaders can turn listening into action and enact change through meaningful patient, public and community engagement. Hearing from a diverse range of speakers and experts by experience, you will look at:
the current state of play in terms of listening to people and communities and community engagement, and what change still needs to happen
lessons learnt from activists and communities who have engaged with systems to enact change
how leaders are overcoming barriers in the system to listen effectively and engage with communities
utilising data to drive effective change for individuals and communities
why patient engagement is one of the best ways to deliver real change and improvements to care services
effective collaboration strategies between health care systems and communities
how working and thinking differently through partnering with communities can help to reduce health inequalities.
'A superb online conference both in affirming we are on the right track and challenging us to think differently.'
Patient and Public Involvement Lead
'A Carers Panel and more emphasis on involvement and learning from those who walk the path with you will stay with me and motivate me to greater involvement. Thank you King’s Fund for sparking ideas and giving full support to innovative solutions.'
Expert by Experience
'The event was really well organised. The platform was easy to use and the technology ran smoothly. A really great selection of speakers, all with relevant and worthwhile things to say. I came away enthused and inspired to do more in the field of lived experience / public engagement work.'
Expert by Experience
'I was extremely inspired by the insights and stories of all the speakers at this event. I feel there was tangible learning gained, which I am planning to immediately implement in my role. While this is a challenging area of work, the event helped remind me how important and worthwhile it is to keep pushing for innovation and change. I was really impressed by the platform which the event was hosted on and found it clear and easy to navigate. Many thanks!'
Co-production Lead
Event supporters
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Speakers include
Moyra Samuels
Grenfell Community Connector, Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service -
Neil Churchill
Director of People and Communities, NHS England -
Pip Cannons
Chief Executive, Community Catalysts -
Samira Ben Omar
Community-Led Collaboration Specialist -
Jacob Lant
Chief Executive, National Voices -
Rachel Power
Chief Executive, Patients Association -
Suad Duale
Clinician and Community Activist, Birmingham’s Somali Community -
Laura Finucane
Clinical Director, Sussex MSK Partnership
Day one
Day two
Ticket prices
Please note, there is a £20+VAT surcharge to cover the cost of processing invoices. This is in addition to the ticket price and will be added to your invoice. There is one invoice fee per order, not per ticket. There is no charge for paying by debit or credit card.
Community groups and small charities
Charities and public sector
Small-medium sized enterprise (SME)
Commercial (large private company)
Bursary tickets
We offer a limited number of bursary places for people with lived experience to ensure a balance of voices in the room. To apply for a bursary place please email us a short paragraph explaining why you wish to attend.
Community group tickets
For community groups or charities with an income of less than £100k, we are pleased to offer a new low rate of £95+VAT.
Student tickets
If you are a student in full-time education, please email us for a promotional code, with a photograph of your valid student ID. Student tickets are £60+VAT.
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