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The Health and Social Care Bill

Explore our latest commentary and analysis on the 2021 Health and Care Bill by visiting our project page.

The Health and Social Care Bill represented the biggest shake-up of the NHS since its inception, and was implemented against the backdrop of the biggest financial challenge in its history. Read our commentary and analysis on the Bill before it became the Health and Social Care Act.

Our response to the Bill

  • Where next for the NHS reforms? The case for integrated care

    Written as a contribution to the government's current listening exercise, this paper sets out the challenges facing the NHS and identifies the reforms we believe are needed to meet these...

  • Briefing: Health and Social Care Bill

    A summary of The King's Fund's views on the Health and Social Care Bill, this briefing sets out our thoughts on commissioning, market-based and provider reforms and public health.

Our consultation responses and evidence submissions

Other project content

  • NHS reform mythbusters

    With the listening exercise on the Health and Social Care Bill in full swing, we thought it would be useful to pick up - and debunk - some of the myths that have been generated in the de...

  • NHS Future Forum: reports, recommendation and responses

    The NHS Future Forum has published key recommendations to the government on the future for NHS modernisation, find out more about this and our response.

House of Commons Health Committee follow-up inquiry into commissioning

As part of the listening exercise, Steve Field and the NHS Future Forum launched their recommendations for the Health and Social Care Bill at The King's Fund in June 2011. You can watch the launch event and hear our initial response and those of other organisations.
