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The Health and Care Act 2022

Our work to inform and make sense of the legislation

Why we did this project

The 2022 Health and Care Act introduced new legislative measures that aim to make it easier for health and care organisations to deliver joined-up care for people who rely on multiple different services, building on earlier recommendations by NHS England and NHS Improvement.

The King’s Fund has spent many years making the case for integrated care and worked to inform the new legislation. We also focused on other aspects of the reforms, pushing for stronger action to support the health and care workforce, arguing the need for a fairer social care system, successfully encouraging government to make tackling inequalities a key aim of the NHS, and advising government on necessary safeguards around ministerial powers to intervene in service changes.

Project content

Here you can find some of our content and commentary aimed at helping you to make sense of the Health and Care Act, as well as our work on integrated care.

  • How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing? Still from the animation

    How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing?

    Watch our animation to discover the key organisations that make up the NHS and how they can collaborate with partners in the health and care system to deliver joined-up care.

  • The Health and Care Act: six key questions

    The Health and Care Act, which introduces significant reforms to the organisation and delivery of health and care services in England, received Royal Assent in April 2022. In this long r...

  • Provider collaboratives: explaining their role in system working

    What are provider collaboratives and how will they fit into the wider health and care system? Our explainer looks at how these structures could develop and the opportunities they offer.

  • Integrated care systems: how will they work under the Health and Care Act?

    We've developed a diagram to show how integrated care systems will work under the Health and Care Act.

Further commentary on The Health and Care Act 2022

  • Integrated care systems need to be different - but how exactly?

    Integrated care systems are intended to be part of a new way of working in health and care based on principles of partnership and collective responsibility. Chris Naylor asks whether thi...

  • The Health and Care Act 2022: the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead

    Now the Health and Care Act has been passed, Richard Murray reflects on the negotiations that went down to the wire, what didn’t make it and what’s needed to ensure the reforms are succe...

  • Reform of adult social care: some progress, but nowhere near enough

    How well is the government’s reform programme tackling the eight key problems in adult social care? Simon Bottery marks the government’s score card and finds it wanting.

  • Developing place-based partnerships

    This report considers the potential of place-based partnerships to improve population health and support truly integrated care, and highlights principles to guide their development and t...