Getting unstuck - thinking differently about change across the health and care sector
The health and care system continues to face challenge and change. Against the backdrop of the recent general election and profound challenges, including severe staff shortages, record numbers of people waiting for care, and increasing financial pressures across health and care, those working within the system will need to think and work differently to meet future challenges. As such, being able to make the case for change, navigate complex systems, and bring people along with change is only going to become more important.
We explored what thinking differently about change across the health and care system and getting unstuck means. The event included presentations, case studies of managing different types of change, and reflective camera-on workshops. Sessions provided practical insights to encourage those working in integrated care systems, providers, local authorities, public health, social care and beyond to think about how change becomes possible, and how to manage that change.
Sessions explored how to create cultures, teams and organisations that are more able to adapt to make the most of advances in technology and innovative practice, and what it means to develop a culture that supports complex change within complex systems.
Supported by experts from The King’s Fund’s Leadership and Organisational Development and Policy teams, attendees had an opportunity to reflect and discuss what they are hearing, learning from and drawing on their own experiences in camera-on Zoom sessions held as part of the conference programme.
Event topics
Come and learn, think, and collaborate at this virtual conference, which will attract a wide-ranging audience from central and local government, the NHS, social care, and third sector organisations. Sessions will explore:
what we are learning about the future of change and what it means to those working across health and care
what are the conditions that may enable change, drawing on case studies from those who have managed both large-scale change driven by national bodies, and change within an organisation
the emotional, leadership and teamwork skills needed to navigate change, overcoming change fatigue and supporting a culture that embraces positive disruption
how to bring people along with you, communicate success, build a case for change and find allies in the system.
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Speakers included
Helen Balsdon
Chief Nursing Information Officer, NHS England -
Kate Josephs CB
Chief Executive, Sheffield City Council -
Zoinul Abidin
Head of Universal Services, Community Solutions, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham -
Ian Baines
Associate Director, NHS Horizons -
Jo Vigor
Assistant Director -
Kathryn Perera
Senior Consultant -
Kiran Chauhan
Senior Consultant -
Pritesh Mistry
Fellow, Digital Technologies
Day one
Day two
Ticket prices
Please note, there is a £20+VAT surcharge to cover the cost of processing invoices. This is in addition to the ticket price and will be added to your invoice. There is one invoice fee per order, not per ticket. There is no charge for paying by debit or credit card.
Charities and public sector
Small-medium sized enterprise (SME)
Commercial (large private company)
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