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Investing in quality

The contribution of large charities to shaping future health and care

Commissioned by the National Garden Scheme, this report explores how the work of the National Garden Scheme and its beneficiaries fits within the context of the future of policy development in health and care.

The National Garden Scheme is an independent charity that provides annual donations to a range of nursing and caring charities. The report captures its contribution to six of its main beneficiaries:

  • Macmillan Cancer Support

  • Marie Curie

  • Hospice UK

  • The Queen’s Nursing Institute

  • Parkinson’s UK

  • MS Society.

About the report

Through a selection of case studies, the report highlights areas of the beneficiaries' work that are supported by funding from the National Garden Scheme and are contributing to addressing current policy issues and supporting the future direction of health and care. Each case study seeks to provide an insight into areas of practice and care that are developing but have far wider relevance.

The report concludes with reflections on how the statutory system and the wider voluntary and community sector can work together to deliver some of the key priorities of the NHS long-term plan and drive improvements in health and care.
