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Patient and public engagement: where next?

Free event
This is a past event, catch up below

This free online event explored where patient and public engagement is right now in the NHS and what needs to change.
The King’s Fund recently published a briefing arguing that patient and public engagement is still seen by some in the NHS as something that ‘has to be done’ rather than providing key insight and understanding into local populations and their needs. Our speakers discussed why this is and what might need to change to ensure engagement moves beyond being seen as a ‘nice to have’ to a ‘must have’.  
Our speakers reflected on the following questions:

  • Which areas are doing well with patient and public engagement and what is driving this? 

  • Do integrated care systems (ICSs) present an opportunity to do things differently? 

  • What is the relationship between the NHS and the public? Does this need to change? 

  • What does this relationship mean for how local systems work with their users and local communities? 

The speakers shared experiences of engaging with the public as well as practical examples.

Watch on demand


  • Samira Ben Omar photo

    Samira Ben Omar

    Head of System Change, Accountable Care System, North West London Collaboration of Clinical Commissioning Groups
  • "Default Staff Avatar"

    Neil Tester

    Deputy Director, Healthwatch England
  • Dan Wellings photo

    Dan Wellings

    Senior Fellow
  • A headshot of Mark Doughty

    Mark Doughty
