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Partnership working through digital transformation

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Breaking down the barriers between organisations is key to the successful development of integrated care systems (ICSs), and the underpinning digital transformation that their introduction demands. Digital transformation can become the foundation of partnership working across health, social care, local government, and wider partners – including those in the voluntary, community and social enterprise, and private sectors – as place-based approaches to delivering care develop. 

This session explored what is being done to create collaborative digital strategies at ICS level that enable practical and flexible ways of working between partners. Our discussed how best to harness and use the data the system already holds, and how partnerships can move beyond barriers around data sharing, co-ordination and workforce capacity.

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  • David Maguire photo

    David Maguire

    Senior Analyst
  • Ade Williams photo

    Ade Williams

    Superintendent Pharmacist Non-Executive Director, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • Amanda Begley photo

    Dr Amanda Begley

    Director of Digital transformation, Health Innovation Network
  • Tim Brazier photo

    Tim Brazier

    Managing Director, Thrive By Design
  • Sheila Pancholi photo

    Sheila Pancholi

    National Technology Risk Assurance Lead, RSM UK
  • Sarah Rank photo

    Sarah Rank

    Assistant Director - Business and Technology (Adult Social Services), Norfolk County Council