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Improving access to and uptake of innovative medicines

Free event
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Innovative medicines provide the opportunity to transform patient care, pathways, and outcomes. But how do we improve access and uptake of these medicines in a way that is affordable, and that supports the already overstretched health and care workforce. 

This free online event was an opportunity to consider some of the key challenges to access and uptake of innovative medicines in England. We discussed:

  • the current barriers to improving access to new medicines

  • how to build on experiences and lessons from the rapid development, approval and rollout of vaccines and treatments as response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

We also considered what more could be done to address inequalities in uptake – especially in areas such as rare disease – and how to support and engage with an already overstretched workforce to improve uptake. Speakers discussed:

  • patients’ experiences, including how to address issues with variation in access and care

  • how we realise the potential of innovative medicine in the light of the frontline challenges NHS clinicians and patients are facing and engage in the development of new models of care to facilitate uptake.

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  • Samantha Barber photo

    Samantha Barber

    Chief Executive, Gene People
  • Louise Fish photo

    Louise Fish

    Chief Executive, Genetic Alliance
  • Richard Murray photo

    Richard Murray

    Former Chief Executive
  • Guy Oliver photo

    Guy Oliver

    General Manager, UK and Ireland, Ipsen
  • Sharmila Nebhrajani photo

    Sharmila Nebhrajani OBE

    Chairman, NICE
  • Richard Roope photo

    Dr Richard Roope

    Wessex Rapid Investigation Service GP and Wessex Cancer Alliance GP Adviser