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Healthy homes and communities: working closer together to improve care

This is a past event

The Covid-19 pandemic, where lockdowns forced many of us to stay at home, and the past winter, with high energy bills and a cost-of-living crisis, have brought the importance of housing into sharp focus. Many people are struggling to meet basic housing needs and living in poor conditions.

The Marmot Review 10 Years On sets out ‘poor-quality housing harms health and evidence shows that exposure to poor housing conditions is strongly associated with poor health, both physical and mental’. Recognising that healthy homes are the foundation of healthy communities and healthy lives, The King’s Fund organised a two-day virtual conference on housing and health in November. The event explored how housing affects health and wellbeing. We also explored the ways the health and care sector should work with partners in housing, local government, and local voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) to improve health outcomes. 

The event highlighted the role of housing quality can impact health outcomes, from keeping older people out of hospital and giving children the best start in life, to the impact of housing on health and wellbeing. Hear about efforts to collaborate and integrate services and why putting housing at the forefront of health policy design and action can help tackle health inequalities, support prevention and protect the health of communities in the future.

What can I expect from this event?

Join your peers from across health and care, housing, local government, the VCSE sector, and experts from The King’s Fund to explore issues including: 

  • how housing affects health and wellbeing

  • the link between housing and health inequalities 

  • how to improve collaboration between housing and health and the role of integrated care systems in bringing partners together to tackle the social determinants of health including housing 

  • building healthy communities of the future which are designed in a way that meets the wellbeing needs of people locally 

Get in touch about sponsorship and exhibition

If you would like a conversation about your business goals, and how being involved with future events can help you, please email the Partnerships team.


  • Professor Sir Michael Marmot photo

    Professor Sir Michael Marmot

    Director, Institute of Health Equity, UCL Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
  • "Default Staff Avatar"

    Councillor Kaya Comer-Schwartz

    Leader, Islington Council and Labour Vice Chair, LGA Community Wellbeing Board
  • "Default Staff Avatar"

    Venus Galarza-Mullins

    Policy Manager, Shelter
  • "Default Staff Avatar"

    Chris Harris

    Associate Director of Housing, Sussex Health and Care
  • "Default Staff Avatar"

    Kevin McGeough

    Head of Strategy and Placemaking, Ebbsfleet Garden City
  • Tapiwa Mtemachani photo

    Tapiwa Mtemachani

    Director of Transformation and Partnership including Academy, NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board


Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Day one

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Day two

Contact us

  • Booking or programme enquiries

  • Sponsorship and exhibition enquiries