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Virtual event

Delivering effective place-based care

The role of regions, integrated care systems and place-based partnerships

£150-£355 +VAT
This is a past event

The introduction of integrated care systems (ICSs) has placed a renewed focus on how organisations can work together to integrate care to meet the needs of local populations.

However, much of the activity to integrate care, improve population health and tackle inequalities will be driven by commissioners and providers collaborating over smaller geographies (often referred to as ‘places’) within ICSs. 

This conference provided an opportunity to discuss how effectively place-based care is being delivered across the health and care system, how place-based partnerships – collaborative arrangements that typically include the NHS, local government and others such as voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations and social care providers with responsibilities for planning and delivering services – are evolving, and whether more needs to be done to involve places and communities in developing local approaches to reducing health inequalities. 

Conference sessions explored how ICSs and mayoral combined authorities are developing approaches to supporting the development of healthy places in their locality. Delegates heard from local partners from the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, local government and more widely across the health and care system about their role in developing integrated plans, healthy places and neighbourhoods.

Event topics

Sessions specifically focused on: 

  • how place-based partnerships are evolving and how are they working with integrated care systems

  • the role of place in a system under intense pressure and how strong, well-connected communities that work well together offer an opportunity to transform how services are design and delivered

  • how to ensure there is visible and accountable leadership at place, and what more can be done to support communities and places to define their own priorities and initiatives within their overarching ICS strategies

  • how mayoral combined authorities and regions are developing approaches to tackling inequalities in the wider determinants of health, and what the future of devolution means for these approaches

  • putting primary care at the centre of place, developing place-based approaches to prevention and health inequalities, and building integrated teams at a place and neighbourhood level. 

Get in touch about sponsorship and exhibition

If you would like a conversation about your business goals, and how being involved with future events can help you, you find out more here or email the Partnerships team.


  • Mubasshir Ajaz Photo

    Dr Mubasshir Ajaz

    Head of Health and Communities at West Midlands Combined Authority
  • Reena Barai

    Reena Barai

    Community Pharmacist owner of S G Barai Pharmacy & Co-chair of Cheam and South Sutton's Integrated Neighbourhood Team
  • Elizabeth Dennis

    Cllr Elizabeth Dennis

    Leader, North Herts Council
  • Nicholas Boys Smith

    Nicholas Boys Smith

    Chair, Office for Place
  • Ed Garratt

    Dr Ed Garratt

    Chief Executive, Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board
  • Gillian Orrow photo

    Dr Gillian Orrow

    GP and Director, Growing Health Together