Al Mulley's work with us focused on how we can transform the delivery of health services through innovations that produce better value for patients, looking at evidence from the UK and the US. Al will visit England several times in the year, will take part in events at The King's Fund and will produce a paper on his findings for publication.
Al is Director of the Dartmouth Center for Health Care Delivery Science at Dartmouth College and Professor of Medicine at Dartmouth Medical School. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1970 and was awarded MD and MPP degrees from Harvard Medical School and the Kennedy School of Government in 1975. He spent 35 years on the Harvard faculty and the staff of Massachusetts General Hospital where he was the founding Chief of the General Medicine Division and Director of the Medical Practices Evaluation Center.
Dr. Mulley's research has focused on the use of decision theory and outcomes research to distinguish between warranted and unwarranted variations in clinical practice. This work has led to development of research instruments and approaches, including shared decision-making programs, to support clinicians and patients in their decision-making roles.
Dr. Mulley's work has influenced the agendas of many public and private organisations engaged in clinical care as well as medical research and education. He was a founding director of the Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making and continues to serve as senior clinical advisor. He has also served on multiple committees of the Institute of Medicine, of professional societies and as a consultant and visiting professor to government agencies, health care organisations, and academic medical centers in North America, Europe and Asia.