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Latest NHS performance data shows NHS is fraught as it enters winter

Responding to the latest monthly NHS performance data and latest NHS weekly winter sit reps, Danielle Jefferies, Senior Analyst at The King’s Fund, said:  

‘The situation in the NHS is fraught as it enters what looks to be a deeply troubling winter. Levels of flu and other respiratory illnesses are already rising substantially and putting pressure on services, there are considerable ambulance delays, and 95% of beds in hospitals are occupied, well above the level considered safe. While hospitals are running red hot, ministers are right to reiterate that keeping patients safe should be the number one priority – something local leaders and staff will be acutely aware of.  

‘The sticky issue is that the health service must now navigate a long list of priorities – keeping patients safe in A&E through winter, meeting the 18-week waiting time target by the end of this parliament, and delivering long-term ambitions to shift more care into the community and put more focus on prevention. With many priorities to juggle and extremely tight financial constraints, local leaders will be looking for clarity in the upcoming annual planning guidance for NHS services to support them with the difficult conversations and trade-offs that are already happening.  

‘Winter pressures impact all parts of the NHS and social care. How the health service is faring cannot just be measured by what is happening in hospitals – a true assessment must look at the care patients need from community and primary care services. Many people are struggling to access GP appointments and unable to get the support with social care services they need. There should be a more wide-ranging review of performance targets to shine a spotlight on these services and incentivise much-needed reform of the health service.’ 

Notes to editors

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The King's Fund is an independent charity working to improve health and care in England. We help to shape policy and practice through research and analysis; develop individuals, teams and organisations; promote understanding of the health and social care system; and bring people together to learn, share knowledge and debate. Our vision is that the best possible health and care is available to all. 

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