General election 2024: the health and care manifesto pledges
This resource is intended as a summary of the commitments the three largest parties in England have made for the NHS, social care and public health in their manifestos, associated costing documents and media reports ahead of the general election on 4 July.
This resource does not attempt to analyse, fact check or provide a comprehensive digest of all the pledges, rather it is a summary of the policy and spending commitments that have been made.
Social care reform
From October 2025, implement planned reforms to cap the social care costs an individual is liable to pay.
Take forward the reforms in the ‘People at the Heart of Care’ White Paper.
Undertake a programme of reform to create a National Care Service.
New national standards for adult social care to ensure consistency of care across England, with a principle of ‘home first’.
Develop local partnership working between the NHS and social care sector on hospital discharge.
Task regulators with addressing the role social care workers can play in basic health treatment and monitoring.
Liberal Democrats
Introduce free personal care so that some aspects of a person’s care costs are covered by the state.
Create a National Care Agency to set national minimum standards of care.
Establish a cross-party commission to forge a long-term agreement on sustainable funding for social care.
Access to hospital care
Return performance (eg, waiting times in A&E and for cancer treatment) to the levels set out in the NHS Constitution, by the end of the next parliament.
£1 billion pledged to provide 40,000 more appointments, operations and scans every week.
Return to meeting NHS performance standards, for example, the 18-week referral-to-treatment waiting time standard.
Use spare capacity in the independent health care sector to bring down waiting lists.
Liberal Democrats
1,000 new hospital beds and investment for A&E departments, funded through an upfront capital investment of £280 million to expand urgent treatment centres and A&E departments, and an additional £400 million per year to staff the new hospital beds.
Publish accessible, localised reports of ambulance response times, reverse closures of community ambulance stations, and cancel planned closures where needed.
Access to primary and community health care
Build 50 more community diagnostic centres.
Build or modernise 250 GP surgeries, focusing on areas with new housing growth.
Expand Pharmacy First (which enables people to refer themselves, or be referred by NHS 111, GPs and others, to pharmacies for minor illnesses or urgent repeat medicine supplies) to cover menopause support, contraception and treatment for chest infections.
Invest proportionately more in out-of-hospital services over time.
Train thousands more GPs and guarantee a face-to-face appointment for everyone that wants one.
Deliver a modern appointment-booking system.
Bring back ‘the family doctor’ by incentivising GPs to ensure people always see the same GP.
Create a ‘community pharmacist prescribing service’, granting more pharmacists independent prescribing rights where appropriate.
Allow other professionals, such as opticians, to make direct referrals to specialist services or tests, and expand self-referral routes where appropriate.
Trial ‘neighbourhood health centres’, bringing together existing community services such as family doctors, district nurses, care workers, physiotherapists, palliative care specialists and mental health specialists under one roof.
Move to a ‘neighbourhood health service’ with more care delivered in local communities, shifting resources to primary care and community services over time.
Liberal Democrats
Give everyone the legal right to see a GP within seven days, or 24 hours if in urgent need.
Give everyone over 70 and everyone with long-term health conditions access to a named GP.
Establish a 'strategic small surgeries fund’ to sustain services in rural and remote areas.
Introduce a universal 24/7 GP booking system.
Work towards a fairer and more sustainable long-term funding model for pharmacies.
Build on the Pharmacy First approach to give people more accessible routine services and ease the pressure on GPs.
Greater prescribing rights and public health advisory services will be given to qualified pharmacists, nurse practitioners and paramedics in order to free up more time for GPs.
Access to dentistry
Provide 2.5 million more NHS dental appointments through the Dental Recovery Plan.
‘Golden hellos’ to encourage dentists to work in rural and coastal communities plus new dental vans to take dentists and surgeries to isolated, under-served communities.
Reform the dental contract, with a shift to focusing on preventive care, and the retention of NHS dentists.
£125 million funding for a dentistry package that includes 700,000 urgent appointments every year, of which 100,000 would be for children.
Liberal Democrats
Guarantee access to an NHS dentist for everyone needing urgent and emergency care
Bring dentists back to the NHS from the private sector by fixing the NHS dental contract and using flexible commissioning to meet patient needs.
Introduce an emergency scheme to guarantee access to free NHS dental check-ups for those already eligible: children, new mothers, those who are pregnant and those on low incomes.
Guarantee appointments for all those who need a dental check before commencing surgery, chemotherapy or transplant.
Additional NHS funding commitments
Increase NHS spending above inflation in each year of the next parliament.
£1.7 billion a year by 2029/30 to fund the expansion of Pharmacy First, GP surgeries and community diagnostic centres and mental health services.
£1 billion to fund 40,000 more operations, scans and appointments every week.
£125 million dentistry package including 700,000 urgent appointments every year.
£410 million to recruit 8,500 new mental health staff.
Liberal Democrats
An extra £3.7 billion a year by 2028/29 in day-to-day NHS spending (which includes the funding to improve access to planned and emergency hospital care)1.
Capital investment in NHS buildings and equipment
Continue with the plan to deliver 40 new hospitals by 2030.
Invest £3.4 billion in new technology, delivered through the ‘NHS Productivity Plan’.
£250 million pledged for a ‘fit for the future’ fund to double the number of NHS CT and MRI scanners.
Deliver the new hospitals programme.
Liberal Democrats
Implement a 10-year plan to invest in hospitals and primary care estate.
£1.1 billion a year by 2028/29 to improve NHS buildings and equipment.
Social care funding
At the next Spending Review, give local authorities a multi-year funding settlement to support social care.
Give local authorities multi-year funding settlements.
Liberal Democrats
Spend an extra £3.7 billion a year on social care2.
Workforce recruitment and training
Recruit more NHS staff, projecting 92,000 more nurses and 28,000 more doctors in the NHS (compared to 2023 numbers), by end of the next parliament, in line with the existing NHS Long Term Workforce Plan.
Reduce the number of managers in the NHS by 5,500, which Conservatives estimate will release £550 million for frontline services.
Recruit 8,500 new staff for mental health services.
Deliver the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan.
Ensure the publication of regular, independent workforce planning across health and social care.
Establish a ‘fair pay agreement’ in social care – a collective agreement with the sector to set fair pay, terms and conditions.
Liberal Democrats
Increase the number of full-time equivalent GPs by 8,000, half by boosting recruitment and half from retaining more experienced GPs.
Encourage the use of flexible staff banks to reduce spending on agency workers.
Bring forward a social care workforce plan, with a focus on recruiting more staff to the sector.
Create a new carer’s minimum wage, boosting the minimum wage for care workers by £2 an hour, as a starting point for improved pay across the sector.
Support for NHS and social care staff
Improve working conditions for all NHS staff.
Consider the implications of the review of the whistleblowing framework for the NHS.
Consult on a disbarring regime for NHS managers.
Reset relations with NHS staff and move away from the current approach on strikes.
Implement professional standards and regulation for NHS managers.
Establish a royal college of clinical leadership to ‘champion the voice of clinicians’.
Liberal Democrats
Implement a 10-year retention plan for NHS staff.
Make flexible working in the NHS a day-one right and expand access to flexible, affordable childcare.
Introduce ‘truly’ independent complaints processes and transparent monitoring of reports of sexual misconduct in the NHS.
Create a career ladder to allow flexibility to work across the NHS and social care.
Create a royal college of care workers to represent the care workforce.
International recruitment and migration
Introduce a binding, legal cap on migration.
Require migrants to undergo a health check before travelling to the UK, and increasing their Immigration Health Surcharge or requiring them to buy health insurance if they are likely to be a burden on the NHS.
End the long-term reliance on overseas workers in some parts of the economy by bringing in workforce and training plans for sectors, including the health and social care sectors.
Reform the points-based immigration system so that it is ‘fair and properly managed’, with appropriate restrictions on visas and by linking immigration and skills policy.
Liberal Democrats
Exempt NHS and care staff from the Immigration Skills Charge.
Prevention, inequalities and public health
Bring forward the Tobacco and Vapes Bill.
Publish and implement a major conditions strategy.
Legislate to restrict the advertising of food products high in fat, salt and sugar.
Gather new evidence on the impact of ultra-processed foods.
Roll out new digital health checks to 250,000 more people every year.
Expand HIV opt-out testing in emergency departments in England as part of the HIV Action Plan.
Ensure the next generation can never legally buy cigarettes.
Ensure all hospitals integrate ‘opt-out’ smoking cessation interventions into routine care.
Ban vapes from being branded and advertised to appeal to children.
Ban sale of high-caffeine energy drinks to under-16s.
Ban on junk food ads on television before 9pm.
Introduce a supervised tooth-brushing scheme for three to five-year-olds, targeting the areas of highest need.
Halve the gap in healthy life expectancy between the richest and poorest regions in England.
Commission a new HIV action plan in England, in pursuit of ending HIV cases by 2030.
Liberal Democrats
Introduce regulations to halt the use of vapes by children and ban the use of single-use vapes.
Introduce a new levy on tobacco company profits to help fund health care and smoking cessation services.
Improve access to blood pressure tests in community spaces.
Expand social prescribing and investment in community projects.
Protect children from exposure to junk food by restricting outdoor advertising and restricting TV advertising to after 9pm.
Extend the soft drinks levy to juice-based and milk-based drinks that are high in added sugar.
Tackle air pollution and poor air quality in public buildings with a clean air Act.
Prevent tooth decay by providing supervised toothbrushing training for children in nurseries and schools, and scrapping VAT on children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste.
Establish a ‘health creation unit’ in the Cabinet Office to lead work across government to improve the nation’s health and tackle health inequalities.
Increase the Public Health Grant (paid to local authorities to provide preventive services to improve health) by £1 billion per year, with a proportion of extra funding set aside for those experiencing the worst health inequalities.
Mental health, learning disabilities and autism
Open early support hubs for those aged 11-25 in every local community by 2030.
Increase the planned expansion of NHS Talking Therapies by 50%.
Boost the capacity of Individual Placement and Support for Severe Mental Illness by 140,000 places.
Pass a new law to provide better treatment and support for people with severe mental health needs in the first session of the next parliament.
Expand coverage of mental health support teams from 50% to 100% of schools and colleges in England by 2030.
Plan to modernise autism and learning disability services.
Tighten up how the benefits system assesses capability for work, changing the assessments from September 2025 so that those with more moderate mental health issues who could potentially engage with the world of work are given tailored support.
Recruit an additional 8,500 new mental health staff through the first term of government, who will be specially trained to support people at risk of suicide.
Introduce new ‘young futures’ hubs to provide open access mental health services for children and young people in every community.
Provide access to specialist mental health professionals in every school.
Modernise the Mental Health Act to ensure everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
Liberal Democrats
Open walk-in mental health hubs for children and young people in every community.
Offer regular mental health check-ups at key points in people’s lives when they are most vulnerable to mental ill health.
Put a dedicated, qualified mental health professional in every school.
End inappropriate and costly inpatient placements for people with learning disabilities and autism.
End out-of-area mental health placements.
Extend young people’s mental health services up to the age of 25.
Increase access to clinically effective talking therapies.
Make prescriptions for people with long-term mental health conditions free on the NHS.
Transform perinatal mental health support for new mothers, those who are pregnant, and those who have experienced miscarriage or stillbirth.
Modernise the Mental Health Act.
Create a statutory, independent mental health commissioner.
Widen the current safety investigation into mental health hospitals.
Improve suicide prevention training for frontline NHS staff.
Publish and implement a major conditions strategy, to prevent conditions such as cancer from occurring and ensure people living with such conditions receive the best possible care.
Double the number of MRI and CT scanners in the NHS.
Liberal Democrats
Introduce a guarantee that 100% of cancer patients will be able to start treatment within 62 days of an urgent referral.
Pass a cancer survival research Act to co-ordinate and ensure funding for cancers with the lowest survival rates.
Launch a new prostate cancer screening programme for people at higher risk.
Replace ageing radiotherapy machines and increase their number.
Halve the time for new treatments to reach patients.
Recruit more cancer nurses so that every patient has a dedicated specialist supporting them.
Maternity services and women’s health
Bring forward a comprehensive national strategy for maternity care as recommended by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Birth Trauma’s inquiry
Deliver additional funding for maternal safety and improve access to mental health services for new mothers, improve perinatal pelvic health services to prevent and support women with birth injuries and introduce postnatal appointments dedicated to checking mums, not just their babies.
Expand women’s health hubs so that every integrated care system has at least one hub up and running.
Roll out fracture liaison services to every region, reaching 100% coverage by 2030 as osteoporosis disproportionately impacts women.
Support continued research into disparities in maternity care through the National Institute for Health and Care Research.
Ensure that NHS trusts failing on maternity care are supported into ‘rapid’ improvement.
Train thousands more midwives through implementing the NHS Long Term NHS Workforce Plan.
Set an explicit target to close the maternal mortality gap for people from Black and Asian backgrounds.
Liberal Democrats
Reduce disproportionately high maternal mortality rates for black woman and eliminate racial disparities in maternal health through a cross-departmental target and strategy.
Medicines, research and life sciences
Support research into new treatments, including for Parkinson’s and motor neurone disease.
Secure more commercial clinical trials.
Remove the NHS Budget Impact Test and align NHS England’s cost-effectiveness thresholds for new medicines indications with those used by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Implement a new medtech pathway so that cost-effective medical technology, including AI, is rapidly adopted throughout the NHS.
Take forward the rare diseases action plan.
Develop an NHS innovation and adoption strategy in England, to include a plan for procurement and reform of incentive structures and faster regulatory approval for new technology and medicines.
Give more people the chance to participate in clinical trials through the NHS app.
Put Britain at the forefront of transforming treatment for dementia.
Liberal Democrats
Improve faster access to new and novel medicines and medical devices by seeking a comprehensive mutual recognition agreement with the European Medicines Agency.
Digital and technology
Invest £3.4 billion in new technology.
Ensure patients can use the NHS App as a single app for NHS services, including to access medical records, order prescriptions, book vaccine appointments and manage hospital appointments.
Replace tens of thousands of outdated computers in the NHS.
Digitise NHS processes through the Federated Data Platform.
Fund technology to help clinicians read MRI and CT scans more quickly and accurately.
Transform the NHS app, including giving performance information on local services, and notifications of vaccinations and health checks.
Digitise the Red Book record of children’s health.
Liberal Democrats
Review diagnostic provision across the NHS and implement a new 10-year strategic diagnostics plan.
Ring-fence budgets to enable the NHS to adopt innovative digital tools.
Improve IT efficiency by replacing old computers, requiring all IT systems used by the NHS to work with each other, and ensure every care setting has electronic records that can feed into a patient’s health record with the patient’s consent.
Expand virtual wards and invest in new technologies that free up staff time.
Other health and care pledges
Pay comprehensive compensation to those infected and those affected by the infected blood scandal, accepting the principles recommended by the inquiry, and give a further £210,000 interim payment to living infected beneficiaries.
Roll out Martha’s Rule, giving patients the right to a second opinion.
Complete the implementation of the Cass review.
Amend the NHS Constitution to recognise the right to request single-sex accommodation and same-sex intimate care, including ensuring the words ‘woman’ and ‘breastfeeding’ are not replaced.
Update the NHS Constitution to reflect the bespoke health care needs of rural and coastal communities.
Implement the recommendations of the Cass review.
Act on the findings of the Infected Blood Inquiry.
Enable vaccinations for babies and children as part of health visits.
Liberal Democrats
Implement the recommendations of the Infected Blood Inquiry in full, including delivering full and fair compensation to all victims of the scandal in a timely and transparent manner.
Provide a fair funding deal for hospices, including children’s hospices.
Create a new ‘patients’ charter’ to harness lived experience of patients and embed patient voice, partnership and safety standards across health and care settings.
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