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Transforming primary care with population health: moving to an outcomes-based model

Free event
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This free online event explored how patients at risk of certain conditions can be identified and supported to stay healthy, through the adoption of a population-level approach to health care.

Our speakers discussed how different areas are using population health management to enable more individualised care that improves outcomes for an increasingly diverse and ageing population.

They also talked about clinical commissioning groups that have tried this approach – their successes and the challenges of implementing new models of working, as well as how it can improve the delivery of care for those living with long-term conditions.

They discussed how they built relationships with stakeholders to address the pressures facing general practice, change clinician behaviour and enable service transformation.

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  • Amy Rylance photo

    Amy Rylance

    Head of Healthcare Engagement and Development, Diabetes UK
  • Paramjit Gill photo

    Paramjit Gill

    GP and Professor of General Practice, Warwick Medical School
  • Jonathan Behr photo

    Jonathan Behr

    Doctor and Chief Medical Officer, Vision
  • Beccy Baird Photo

    Beccy Baird

    Senior Fellow