About us
Our vision is that the best possible health and care is available to all.
Who we are
In 1897, the then Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, founded The King’s Fund to raise money for London’s voluntary hospitals. The work of the Fund has evolved over time in response to the changing needs of the population, but our mission – to improve health and care for all – has endured.
The money invested in the Fund more than a century ago provides a substantial proportion of our income, enabling us to maintain our independence. We are not aligned with any political, professional or any other interests.
What does The King’s Fund do?
We aim to be a catalyst for change and to inspire improvements in health and care by:
generating and sharing ideas and evidence
offering rigorous analysis and independent challenge
bringing people together to discuss, share and learn
supporting and developing people, teams and organisations
helping people to make sense of the health and care system.
Our work involves understanding developments, challenges and opportunities across health and care. We use this understanding to influence policy and practice and to help people navigate the complexity of the systems in which they operate.
We understand that our vision can only be achieved through collective action involving many organisations and sectors. We seek to collaborate with and learn from a broad range of partners – including local and national NHS organisations, local government, people using health and care services, the voluntary and community sectors and others – working together to achieve our goals.
Our values
We are ambitious about pushing ourselves further to build the leadership and culture we need to enable our people to work at their best. We are committed to becoming a more diverse and inclusive organisation and living up to our values in everything we do. This shapes how we work with each other and with people across the health and care system.
We are committed to our purpose and independence
We will focus on making the greatest possible impact to achieve our vision of better health and care for all, always contributing from a position of independence.
We act with integrity
We will be honest, bold and challenging, seeking diverse perspectives and experiences, engaging in constructive dialogue and calling out injustice.
We are collaborative and inclusive
We will ensure that everyone feels respected, valued and supported, recognising that we will achieve more by working together and collaborating with others.
We are positive and engaged
We will celebrate success, value learning and promote positive cultures that support people to work at their best.
We strive for excellence
We will strive to produce work of the highest quality, continuously learning to improve everything we do.
More about the Fund
Governance and our Royal Charter
The King's Fund is governed by the Board of Trustees, chaired by Lord Kakkar, and day-to-day management is delegated to a Senior Management Team.
How we raise and spend our money
The King's Fund is an independent charity working to improve health and care in England. We fund our work through a variety of sources, find out more.
Our independence
Our independence is important to us. To make the impact we seek in health and social care, people must be confident in the objectivity of our research and analysis and our freedom to det...
The history of The King's Fund
Find out more about the history of the Fund, from our establishment in 1897 through to the present day.
Diversity and inclusion
The King’s Fund is committed to supporting greater diversity and inclusion both in our own work and across health and care systems. Find out more about our work to support these ambition...
Our strategic priorities for 2020–25
Find out more about the main priorities guiding and shaping our work from 2020-25.
The King’s Fund’s links with colonialism and slavery
Read about The King's Fund's links with slavery and colonialism and our commitment to addressing this part of our organisation's history.
Our people and careers
Jobs at The King's Fund
Find out more about current opportunities to join the King's Fund team.
Our people
Find out more about our colleagues working at The King's Fund.
Work with us
There are lots of different ways you and your organisation can work with The King’s Fund. Find out more about the services we offer.
Press centre
Information about The King's Fund's press and public affairs work.
Insight and analysis
Explore our independent insight and analysis of health and care in England. Delve into our in-depth reports and research on pressing issues, make sense of what's going on with our explai...
Contact us
Contact us and visiting our building
Find out how to contact us by email, phone or post.
Venue hire at The King's Fund
The King's Fund's venue, No.11 Cavendish Square, offers 30 event spaces for meetings, conferences, private dinners and receptions including a 248-seater lecture theatre.